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Will Work For Spontaneous Shenanigans (Truck Camper Magazine)

Will Work For Spontaneous Shenanigans (Truck Camper Magazine)

Full-time truck campers, Jessica O’Bryan and Charles Rollins, work hard, make sacrifices, and then surf, climb and explore their bliss – all from their flatbed Four Wheel Camper.  Why wake up in the same place every day?

The concept of sacrifice as the path towards achieving one’s goals isn’t anything new.  Most of us have all sacrificed our time and freedom of location to make money, or to reach our long-term career objectives.  Why else would we drive to the same building, year after year and work for 40 or 50-hours a week?  For that considerable sacrifice, we support ourselves and our families and can have what we need, and hopefully more.

However, sacrifice does not mean the same thing for every person or situation.  For example, if you are willing to sacrifice the need for a house and excess belongings, your options can increase dramatically.  The leaner your requirements, the fewer resources you need day to day, and the more personal freedom you can enjoy.  And it’s exactly that freedom, and what it allows, that more and more folks sacrifice for.

Jessica O’Bryan and Charles Rollins are avid climbers, surfers and general high-energy fun-seekers.  A few years ago they decided to sacrifice the trappings of a house and home to be at the exact right places, at exactly the right times, for the best possible opportunities to pursue their passions.  Let’s just say the choice rock crags and surf beaches were not in town.

What follows is their story and some mind-bending photos of these two doing things most of us would not dare.  They also share their remarkable discipline to work, earn what they need and stay focused on living their lives to the fullest.

Read the full article on Truck Camper Magazine

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We wish you many fantastic adventures in 2023!!

Team Four Wheel Campers

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