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A weekend at home during an atypical environment in Moab – outdoorx4

A weekend at home during an atypical environment in Moab – outdoorx4

Complaining about being stuck at home in Moab due to Utah’s “stay-at-home” order is akin to whining about only winning the regular lottery, not the Powerball. When spring rolls around, our weekends are typically spent anywhere but home. Given the current atypical environment, we’ve found ourselves venturing out into the eerily quiet desert landscape around Moab to camp, ride and hike. It’s given us a chance to rediscover why we moved here over fourteen years ago.

Moab’s tourist season, referred to by Moabites as “no-left-turn-season”, runs from roughly the middle of February to the end of November. Campgrounds, restaurants, grocery stores, trails, the river, even the tire shop, are jam packed every weekend and more often than not, during the week. Locals brave the crowds to ride, hike and float, but finding a remote campsite is almost impossible. With the town on lockdown, tumbleweeds lazily bouncing across Main Street, many locals are taking advantage of the respite to enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for uncrowded spring recreation.

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From the time of your order, depending upon your location, we are installing new campers between 2 – 4  months out. Lead times are finally coming down!

We wish you many fantastic adventures in 2023!!

Team Four Wheel Campers

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